Author: Danny

Miso, Proteins

Miso-Cured Eggs


 To miso-cure your eggs, you will simply wrap them in miso (many great options here), essentially making a miso ball with an egg inside. After a day to several days, you remove the miso and, voila!, you have a salty egg bursting with flavor. I wouldn’t say it simply takes […]


Red Oil (Chinese-Style Chili Oil)


 There’s really no end to what you can use this versatile yet nuanced condiment with. On fried eggs. In soup. In dressing. Tossed with veggies like cucumbers or slaw. With bacon. On burgers and sandwiches. With noodles. As a meat or seafood dip (in place of butter). You get the […]


Sauerkraut or Kimchi Latkes (potato pancakes)


 For the last several years, I’ve been getting pretty experimental with my latkes (potato pancakes) at Hanukkah time. Eating oily and fried foods is part of the Hanukkah tradition and relates to the holiday’s miracle of the oil that burned for eight days. Latkes are normally just potatoes, matzah meal […]