Discover a truly unique and delectable snack with this probiotic fermented crudités paired with a creamy kefir ranch dip! Don’t worry if kefir isn’t your thing; you can always use the more traditional buttermilk option, easily found at a supermarket. Crudités, from the French word “cru” meaning “raw,” are typically […]
Gastritis / AIP-Friendly Green Goddess Dressing (acid-free)
This is the first time talking about the gastritis diet (and my own erosive gastritis diagnosis) on this blog so I’ve given a little overview here; feel free to scroll straight down to the recipe as desired. Gastritis – the inflammation and potential erosion of the stomach lining and an […]
How to Make Your Own Caesar Dressing (Easy, Delicious, All-Natural)
As much as I like innovating in the kitchen, with plenty of recipes here to prove it, you might also know I like paying homage to originals. Take my garlic dill pickle or my Napa kimchi recipes for instance. The thing for me is not to just make another traditional […]