The combination of fish sauce, vinegar & lime juice, and sugar creates a dipping sauce that is simple to make and yet so wonderfully balanced and tasty. A perfect blend of savory, sweet, and sour. \ This recipe also adds to that some garlic and chili, bringing in some spicy […]
Kvass Hummus (with Beet-Garlic-Cumin Kvass Recipe)
Got Purp?! This take on hummus brings the brilliant color of beet kvass to the dish. While a “hummus” made from beets will give that deep purple color, it doesn’t really taste like hummus. (Not to say it’s bad at all.) In this recipe, we will use good ol’ chickpeas […]
Fermented Pico de Gallo (Salsa Fresca Fermentada)
Are you a lover of salsa fresca, aka pico de gallo, and wondered if it would be any good fermented? Hell yes it’s good fermented. The funny thing is, if you just make your regular salsa fresca (assuming you already make it, which is really straightforward to do without a […]
Probiotic Pickle Relish (Or, What to Do With My Mushy Pickles?)
(Preface: this recipe can be made using crunchy or mushy pickles!) Do you just hate losing your pickles to the mush monster? Pickles going mushy on you, during the fermentation or pickling process, or as a result of natural softening over time, is a problem just about all of us […]
Peach Cobbler Hot Sauce (vinegar-based)
This is it folks, my very own, currently one-of-a-kind (so it appears) recipe for hot sauce that tastes just like delicious peach cobbler. Except after the initial cobbler flavor, your face melts with the fiery inferno of orange habaneros (or whatever orange hot peppers you choose… Scotch Bonnets are widely […]
Fermented Dill Pickle Hot Sauce (and spicy pickle powder!)
Each summer I grow a lot of cucumbers to make all kinds of pickles. Of course, several of the pickle recipes I developed can be found on this site. Mostly though I just throw different herbs and things in that are available from my garden at the time I pick […]
“Chicken & Waffles” Hot Sauce (vinegar-based)
First of all, of course a hot sauce named “Chicken & Waffles” should be absolutely delicious on a plate of chicken and waffles. That might be more meta than my taste buds can handle but I’m going to have to try it! (After all, my “Hot Apple Pie” hot sauce […]
Red Oil (Chinese-Style Chili Oil)
There’s really no end to what you can use this versatile yet nuanced condiment with. On fried eggs. In soup. In dressing. Tossed with veggies like cucumbers or slaw. With bacon. On burgers and sandwiches. With noodles. As a meat or seafood dip (in place of butter). You get the […]
“Hot as Pho!” The Sauce
Just look around on this site and you’ll quickly see I have a great love of pho (pronounced “fuh” and almost bordering on “fur”), the now iconic Vietnamese noodle soup which is often spiced up with a healthy dose of sriracha sauce. I love pho so much I even created […]
Salsa Verde Picante Fermentada (Fermented Green Hot Sauce)
Tacos. Steak. Enchiladas. Soup. Breakfast. Burritos. Breakfast burritos. What doesn’t spicy green sauce go on? I first started making homemade red and green salsas almost 20 years ago when a roommate got into it and proceeded to get me hooked. We were frequently buying all those commercial pre-made salsas you […]