Other Recipes

Ferments off the beaten path, non-fermented recipes, syrups, and more


Steak (Beef) Tartare


 Steak tartare, also referred to as Beef Tartare, may not be on people’s radar like a good steak off the grill, but it’s so tasty, unique, and sensuous (the way sushi can be) that it will instantly be the talking point at your table. Or countertop, since this is typically […]

Korean (BBQ & Sides)

Seasoned Dried Radish (Mumallaengi-Muchim)


 Welcome to yet another Korean side dish (banchan). There is seemingly an endless variety, and although there’s many similarities between many side pickles and salads, each one is also unique and deeply flavorful in its own way. A great case in point is this seasoned dried radish. This is the […]