Pho Reuben

Pho Reuben

Pho Reuben Sandwich


 Writing this post feels pretty cathartic for me. Although loading up a Reuben sandwich and frying it on a pan is pretty darn straightforward, this post is the culmination of many different pho-spiced Reuben components I developed over a month. If you want to see how I personally prepare & […]

Pho Reuben

Pho Corned Beef


 I’m excited to share this recipe. It’s really delicious and the addition of the pho spice really puts it over the top flavor wise. This is the corned beef I used in my Pho Reuben sandwich. I devoted a whole section of my website to this epic meal because I […]

Pho Reuben, Sauerkraut

Pho Kraut


 Did you know that “pho” is pronounced “fuh”? So when I tell people, “You need to get the pho kraut!,” it can sound a little threatening. But I really just mean, you need to eat this! It’s almost as delicious as pho soup. And if you don’t know what that […]

Cucumber Pickles, Pho Reuben

Fermented Pho Pickles


 In case you didn’t know, I love Pho soup. Did you know pho is pronounced “fuh”? There’s a restaurant here in the Atlanta area called “What the pho?” and I’ve heard of one called “Pho King Awesome.” (My all-time favorite pho place, by the way, is here in Atlanta and […]