With all the fermenting, pickling, and cooking I do, I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my fruits and veggies. Does Farmbox Direct make the cut?
A little while back, a representative at Farmbox Direct came across my blog (that’s a good sign, right?!) and introduced herself and the company mission. She thought I might be a good match to market their products as an affiliate. I can say, I hadn’t heard of the company before, so for sure I would need to experience the product (and delivery service) personally to consider that.
The idea of customizable, organic produce (or all-natural, as is another, cheaper option) shipped directly to my door, especially in this COVID era, sounded pretty interesting. I already participate in a local organic CSA (community supported agriculture) farmshare program, so I was interested to see how they compared, cost and quality wise. Here’s the results of my experiences and honest thoughts on Farmbox Direct.
For one thing, my farm share is local so it seemingly doesn’t have the added cost of shipping. Actually, Farmbox Direct is a “free shipping” service, and although the cost of shipping has to be embedded in there, at the least, it’s not a separate cost you’ll see added later to the prices and the cost won’t go up no matter where you live in the continental US. My CSA still has to pack up and transport its boxes all over my state, so it’s not like they don’t have costs associated with transporting built into their prices.
Although I like the fact that my CSA inherently only includes seasonal produce which grows in my region, I frequently buy items at the grocery store that certainly aren’t local, like mangoes, pineapple, and more. The point being, the options from Farmbox Direct are broader and satisfy more of what I eat. I learned that they support and primarily work with local and small-scale farmers.
The produce itself was very attractive, appeared crisp and fresh, and the ice packs in the box kept everything at an ideal temperature. I will say, I love my CSA but the boxes of veggies sit out at room temperature at the local natural foods store where I pick them up, and sometimes this has a slight wilting effect on certain items before I can pick them up. The Farmbox packaging was very thorough, with plenty of padding lining the box besides all of the veggies themselves wrapped and packed appropriately and individually.

Even though my box came in the height of summer and my front door area is scorching, when I got home and brought in the veggies, they were cold and crisp. There were also some large silicone desiccant packs to absorb excess moisture.
Although the cost of the small organic Farmbox package I got was higher than my CSA ($48 versus $38), I have to say that the quality was at least as high, and there was about 15% more produce. When I factor in that the Farmbox product is shipped directly to my door and I don’t need to go pick it up, Farmbox Direct actually comes out looking like a little better deal. And again, there’s simply more variety in the Farmbox package.
Am I going to drop my CSA? There’s no need. The whole reason I joined it was to support local growers and business. But I can say the Farmbox Direct box was easily competitive with what I pick up each week and there’s no denying the convenience of home delivery. The packaging itself is almost entirely recyclable, which I do. In my own case, I’ll probably order from both to round out my veggie supply
What did I get in my small organic box? Rainbow carrots (my son said they were the best he’d ever had, and I think he’s right!), large cucumber, celery, pears, apples, oranges, avocado, Brussels sprouts, string beans, pepper, potatoes, and Swiss chard.
Follow this link to shop Farmbox: Choose Your Box at Farmbox Direct. Note that I did agree to provide affiliate services for Farmbox Direct and receive a small commission from your use of this link, which helps support this site.
The review above reflects my experience trying out Farmbox and comparing it to another similar service I have used for a few years, with my 100% honest feedback. Based on my experience, I am proud to work with Farmbox Direct and believe it was comparable or even superior to my CSA.
Check out the garlic dill ferment string beans and potato latkes I made with some of the Farmbox items. They were truly delicious!

Shop Farmbox Direct. Organic & Natural Produce Delivered to Your Door!