To miso-cure your eggs, you will simply wrap them in miso (many great options here), essentially making a miso ball with an egg inside. After a day to several days, you remove the miso and, voila!, you have a salty egg bursting with flavor.
I wouldn’t say it simply takes on the taste of miso. On their own, eggs and miso both have an umami flavor, but not of the same sort. Together, an entirely new kind of umami flavor develops.
Depending on the exact miso and other possible ingredients, some taste meaty to me. Other times, it has tasted like a rich cheddar or other cheese. I used it on a sandwich with smashed avocado and a touch of marmite (which has its own distinctly umami flavor) and I absolutely loved it.

You could also add liquids to the miso, such as mirin, soy or Maggi sauce, liquid aminos or even get creative like espresso. This can also deepen the color added to the egg, as some misos are quite light. Depending on how much liquid you add though, the miso paste might not stick to the egg to form a cocoon. Therefore, instead of curing in a tupperware or bowl as you could with pure miso, a jar might work better, treating it like a pickled (marinated) egg.
Lastly, it’s good to think about the properties of your particular miso. Is it a dark and salty red miso? You may need to cure it for only a couple days before it becomes too salty for your liking. If it’s a light and mild white miso, you may want to go almost a week to ensure maximum flavor penetration.
Here’s a basic recipe, but I hope from there you start to play around with this!
You will need:
- Bowl of ice water
- Measuring cups & spoons
- Medium stockpot
- Paper or kitchen towels
- Large sealing tupperware or large covered bowl
- Optional: rapid egg cooker (for perfect medium-boiled eggs)
- 6 eggs
- 1 – 1.5 cups miso paste
1.) Prepare medium-boiled eggs. You may do this by placing them in boiling water for about 7 minutes. Then quickly transfer them to a bowl of ice-water to stop further cooking.

2.) For each egg, prepare about 2-3 TBSP of miso, flattened in the palm of your hand. Place the egg on your palm and carefully wrap the miso around it, or pull and spread the miso as you go, finally covering the entire egg. A helpful technique is to clean and thoroughly dry your hands with the paper towels between each egg, as it will greatly assist in getting the miso on the eggs and not stuck to your hand. You may also roll the eggs in your hand once covered, to help evenly distribute the miso and ensure any small gaps are filled.

3.) Place the eggs in a sealable container (I love these) or a large bowl with plastic wrap covering. Place in the refrigerator for least 1/2 a day, and you’re recommended not to go longer than 5 days.
4.) When ready, remove the miso paste by hand. You may place it in an airtight container of appropriate size (try to minimize headspace i.e. excess air) and actually reuse it a few times. Store the eggs in an airtight tupperware or jar for up to one week. You will notice the yolks are slightly gooey but they won’t be runny.

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