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Pickled Pink Cauliflower


 If there’s anything possible to love more than the look and color of this pickle, it’s the taste! I really love the balance of the flavors. The beautiful color is derived from the addition of beets, which are delicious pickled too. To maintain its very subtle sweetness, I made this […]


Kefir Green Goddess Dressing


 Who else loves that combo of fresh, tangy & creamy that is Green Goddess dressing? Green Goddess originated in the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, in 1923, and utilized mayonnaise as the base for its smooth, creamy consistency. Newer recipes often replace the mayo in part or whole with sour cream […]

Other Recipes, Pickles

Pickled Oysters


 Although the idea of pickled oysters might at first sound odd or unappealing, think about it. Seafood flavored and treated with acids is a common practice all over the world and is widely agreed to improve the flavor. Think about how you might add a squeeze of lemon to your […]


Adrak ka Achaar (Indian ginger pickle)


 There’s seemingly no end to the varieties of pickles in Indian cuisine. These are flavor-packed condiments used to enhance foods and, as is the case with ginger, ease digestion. Try a couple spoonfuls added to your next favorite Indian meal, stew, or simply added to some rice or soup. In […]

Kimchi, Other Recipes

Kimchi Shakshuka


 Kimchi. Shakshuka. Two foods I absolutely love and never once considered combining. Until one night, awake and stirring in bed, it just kinda hit me. And then, it was even harder to fall asleep because I started imagining all the ways I could go about it. Would I still use […]