Ready to leave those plain old white hard-boiled eggs behind? Umami is a popular term nowadays, but these eggs were bringing it centuries before we were using this special word to describe that rich meaty flavor. I do not have a Sephardic background (Jews from Spain and the Levant). I […]
Recent Posts
Jal Jeera Soda (ginger bug recipe)
Are you ready for a thirst quenching flavor this summer unlike any you’ve ever had? I was introduced to jal jeera soda last year. It’s a soda variety in India that is often made at home and carbonated with club soda. The spices in the blend are rather extensive and […]
Fermented Dill Pickle Hot Sauce (and spicy pickle powder!)
Each summer I grow a lot of cucumbers to make all kinds of pickles. Of course, several of the pickle recipes I developed can be found on this site. Mostly though I just throw different herbs and things in that are available from my garden at the time I pick […]
“Chicken & Waffles” Hot Sauce (vinegar-based)
First of all, of course a hot sauce named “Chicken & Waffles” should be absolutely delicious on a plate of chicken and waffles. That might be more meta than my taste buds can handle but I’m going to have to try it! (After all, my “Hot Apple Pie” hot sauce […]
Mint Masala Ginger Bug Soda
I was introduced to a galaxy of new soda flavors and concepts earlier this year when someone I know from India shared with me his jal jeera soda. This is normally a fizzy drink consisting of jal jeera powder, salt, lime, black pepper, and club soda. It, as well as […]
Surkal (Sweet & Sour Braised Cabbage)
First off, this isn’t sauerkraut but it’s a dish I love and I think you will too. It does have some affinity with kraut in the way it is cut and flavored. It gets a slightly sour tang from vinegar and uses popular European kraut flavorings such as caraway, cumin […]
Miso-Cured Eggs
To miso-cure your eggs, you will simply wrap them in miso (many great options here), essentially making a miso ball with an egg inside. After a day to several days, you remove the miso and, voila!, you have a salty egg bursting with flavor. I wouldn’t say it simply takes […]
Zupa Ogorkowa (Polish-style Pickle Soup)
This is my take on a classic Polish and Eastern European soup. But let’s be clear: it is not supposed to be made with vinegar pickles. For the right flavor, you need sour garlic dills. Don’t worry if you don’t make or have your own garlic dill ferment pickles. First […]
Purple Kkakdugi (Cubed Radish Kimchi)
As you can see in my kimchi files, I already have an orange, yellow, and green kimchi recipe up, and of course plenty of different red ones as that tends to be the standard preparation of this dish. Not sure how I’d get a blue kimchi, if only I had […]
Red Oil (Chinese-Style Chili Oil)
There’s really no end to what you can use this versatile yet nuanced condiment with. On fried eggs. In soup. In dressing. Tossed with veggies like cucumbers or slaw. With bacon. On burgers and sandwiches. With noodles. As a meat or seafood dip (in place of butter). You get the […]