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Insanely Orange Napa Cabbage Kimchi


 For my discussion of why I started experimenting with colorful kimchis (besides the obvious answer of “why not!?”), I invite you to check out my original color-kimchi post, jalapeno-cilantro-lime green kimchi, here. I debated for a long time about what to put in it. There are so many amazing orange […]


Purple Sauerkraut


 It’s interesting that the big-name brands of sauerkraut you find in mainstream supermarkets are never purple. These brands aren’t normally fermented, but rather are vinegar brined. Even when they are fermented (or at least saltwater brined), they’re later pasteurized and consequently lose all their healthy probiotic activity and become mushy […]


Jalapeño-Cilantro-Lime Green Kimchi


 We all have those moments where an idea strikes us from out of the blue. Or out of the green, in this instance. At first my idea was simply: “Why is Kimchi always red? There’s so many different colors and flavors of pepper.” And then I thought about how kimchi […]