Welcome to yet another Korean side dish (banchan). There is seemingly an endless variety, and although there’s many similarities between many side pickles and salads, each one is also unique and deeply flavorful in its own way. A great case in point is this seasoned dried radish. This is the […]
Tag: Banchan
Oi Muchim (Korean Cucumber Salad)
In the summer, I start to grow more cucumbers than I can even pickle. It might seem like a travesty, but there’s many things I can do with these surplus cukes, which is great, because my pickles last me all year anyway. One tasty treat is a cucumber vodka and […]
Mango Kkakdugi (Cube-Style Kimchi)
It was when I was working on a Middle-Eastern mango-based hot sauce called amba (which involved using unripe mangoes), that the idea of mango kimchi hit me. Unlike soft ripe mangoes, young mango is firm. This led me to believe it would withstand much of the softening effects of fermentation […]
Kkakdugi (Korean radish kimchi)
This happens to be my favorite type of kimchi. The crunch is really satisfying whereas regular kimchi has more of a kraut consistency. Although I like it very hot, the radish itself has a subtle natural sweetness you don’t really find in the small, red radishes (originating in Europe) we […]