I have a recipe on my blog from several years ago of sausage patties loaded with green onions, black pepper, and hot sauce. Besides the hard-to-digest fat content, these other ingredients are highly irritating to those suffering from gastritis and GERD. So what I did was omit the troublesome ingredients […]
Tag: gastritis
How to Make Gastritis/GERD-Friendly Herbs de Provence (Spice Blend)
Herbs de Provence is a classic blend of aromatic herbs originating from the Provence region of France. This blend is a staple in Mediterranean cuisine and is cherished for its ability to enhance the flavors of various dishes. Traditionally, Herbs de Provence includes a combination of thyme, rosemary, oregano, tarragon, […]
Easy Peasy (Hold the Lemon Squeezy!) Gastritis/GERD-Friendly Curry Soup Recipe
Are you ready to turn a humble can of peas into a star meal? When one of your favorite dishes from before your GERD or gastritis days is allowable (or encouraged) on your anti-inflammatory diet, you know you’re in for a treat! This is simply because these kinds of “elimination” […]
Yellow Saffron Rice (gut-friendly, vegan-friendly)
Yellow saffron rice is a delicious, easy-on-the-tummy kind of dish, so I have enjoyed incorporating it into the gastritis diet I’ve developed and followed over the last year. I had been a sufferer of chronic gastritis for a number of years, but it took me a while even to understand […]
Cream of Mushroom Soup for the Gastritis Soul (Vegan-Friendly)
As I spent over the last year recovering from chronic gastritis, I started becoming more and more addicted to mushrooms. Although I get why not everyone loves mushrooms, they have so much to offer in terms of flavor, variety, and nutrition, that I would encourage anyone who enjoys them to […]
Rutabaga Soup for the Gastritis Soul
Rutabaga is a hearty and satisfying root vegetable. It is actually a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables which includes things like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and more. It is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Of course, we can see its closer resemblance to cousins like turnips and radishes. […]
Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, No-Sugar-Added Pancakes That Actually Taste Great!
Since starting a gastritis diet, which eliminates a wide variety of inflammatory and irritating foods, I have been experimenting with recipes to make foods I love without all the triggers in them. I have healed so much that most days I feel better than any time I can remember! With […]
Tabouleh Salad Without Gluten or Acids?! Delicious Version for Gastritis, GERD & Reflux
What do goji berries, which originated and are heavily cultivated in China, have to do with tabouleh, the Middle Eastern salad of couscous, generous amounts of chopped parsley, and lemon juice? I recently started eating dried goji berries after learning about their incredible anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and the fact […]
Delicious, Gastritis-Friendly Tom Kha (Coconut) Soup
At first glance, many types of Asian cuisine may seem out of bounds for those with gastritis, GERD, simple reflux, and other gut disorders. This could be due to the pungent compounds in ingredients like onions, garlic and black pepper, the hot spice of chili peppers, the addition of acids […]
How to Make a Healthy & Versatile Gastritis-Friendly Thai Curry Paste
Thai curry paste is a mixture of herbs, spices, and aromatics used to make what Westerners know as Thai-style curry dishes, or “kaeng.” Thai curry paste is an incredibly useful ingredient, and all the more so if you have gastritis. That is because it has so many ingredients which are gastritis-friendly and […]