Tag: Paleo

AIP / Paleo, Gastritis Diet, Proteins

How to Make Easy Herbs de Provence Chicken (Gastritis/GERD/Keto/Paleo-Friendly)


 This Herbs de Provence Chicken recipe showcases the delightful flavors of the classic herb blend. Here’s my recipe for making the mix yourself and a bonus recipe for herbs de Provence roasted root veggies! These recipes are gastritis/GERD, Paleo, and Keto compliant! This a simple yet flavorful dish. Those without […]

Other Recipes

AIP Fermented Fire Cider


 Note: This is an AIP (autoimmune protocol) recipe but even if you’re not doing the AIP and are simply interested in enhancing your gut health and natural probiotic intake, you’ve come to the right place. A separate, traditional vinegar-based fire cider will also be posted in the near future. You […]


Curry Kraut


 This recipe was a small batch of curry flavored sauerkraut. There are many ways to make curry. Some might add or take certain spices but this gives you a baseline from which to work. Think of all the things you could eat this with and on. Sausage, hot dogs, burgers, […]

AIP / Paleo, Gastritis Diet, Soups

AIP Beef Bone Broth


 (Note: Unlike most other bone broth recipes out there, this is fully compliant with the Autoimmune Protocol and all forms of the Gastritis Diet. If you’re not on one of these diets, it’s still a delicious & easy recipe you will love and it will have no inflammatory ingredients whatsoever […]