Tag: pho

Pickles, Proteins

Pho-Spiced Pickled Eggs


 The unique and deep flavor of pho fusing with the quick satisfaction of a tangy pickled egg. Let’s face it, you need this! In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a lot of pho flavored pickles and dishes on this blog. In fact, there’s pages worth. Just when I think my […]

Pho Reuben, Sauerkraut

Pho Kraut


 Did you know that “pho” is pronounced “fuh”? So when I tell people, “You need to get the pho kraut!,” it can sound a little threatening. But I really just mean, you need to eat this! It’s almost as delicious as pho soup. And if you don’t know what that […]

Cucumber Pickles, Pho Reuben

Fermented Pho Pickles


 In case you didn’t know, I love Pho soup. Did you know pho is pronounced “fuh”? There’s a restaurant here in the Atlanta area called “What the pho?” and I’ve heard of one called “Pho King Awesome.” (My all-time favorite pho place, by the way, is here in Atlanta and […]