You wouldn’t know it judging from most Middle eastern eateries in the US, but bright pink pickled turnips (in many places called “torshi left,” or just “left,” which simply means turnip) is a necessary component for many meals all over the Middle East. No, there’s not some crazy pink variety of turnips. Or, there might be, but the color comes from adding some sliced beet, which then becomes cleverly impossible to distinguish from the turnip just based on looks.
On their own they’re good but packed in a falafel or schwarma sandwich, or paired with some spiced grilled meats, they add an acidity and crunch that will make you never want to miss out on this easy pickle again.
These are normally sold commercially as vinegar pickles. If you’d like to make a quick vinegar pickle version, I have a delicious recipe here.

This recipe is for a pound of pickles, fitting snugly in a quart jar. You can double the quantities and use a half gallon jar if you want a lot of these to last you, or you’re planning to make a big Mideast feast.
One quart will serve 6-8 as a condiment. It will last a couple months in the fridge or longer.
You will need:
- Quart jar (a plastic lid like this is recommended for easy burping)
- Small or medium saucepan & wooden spoon
- Measuring cups & spoons
- 1 lb. turnips, cut into batons
- A few slices of beet, cut into batons (about 40g)
- 2 cups filtered or distilled water
- 2 TBSP kosher or pickling salt (45g)
- 1-2 TBSP white vinegar (optional)
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 cloves garlic
1.) In the saucepan, combine the water, salt, and bay leaf. Heat on medium heat and allow 4-5 minutes for salt to dissolve. Stir occasionally. Remove from heat and allow to completely cool (can put in fridge to expedite).
2.) Meanwhile, cut the turnips into 1/2″ batons (strips, like french fries, or cut slightly wider yet thinner). Do the same with the beet, and then coarsely chop the garlic. Transfer it to the jar, packing tightly. (You may have a few extra turnip batons left over; make sure to put all the beet in the jar though.)

3.) Once the water has cooled, add the optional vinegar. (The amount of vinegar won’t stop fermentation and gives a little more final punch to the flavor). Then slowly pour the liquid mixture into the jar until the top. Tightly seal it and allow to stand at room temperature for 2-4 weeks. Once it is the desired flavor, place in the refrigerator for storage. If an airlock isn’t used, be sure to burp the jar once a day for the first week or two, to allow excess gas out.
- Traditionally it is kept at cool room temperatures out of direct sunlight for a few weeks before consuming, and might never be placed in refrigeration. However, if you will be eating this slowly over a period of several weeks or months, it will stay crunchiest if refrigerated after the initial room temperature fermentation.
- Left at room temperature, you will notice bubbling consistent with lacto-fermentation. This is because the amount of vinegar isn’t enough to kill off the probiotic bacteria. Fizzing and bubbling is totally normal.

If you make your own spin on this, please share on the Insane in the Brine Facebook Group!
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Could you do a lacto version or is there a reason why you chose vinegar in this case?
You absolutely could & should. I only wrote the recipe this way to pay homage to the way it’s normally found in the mideast. I’ll probably go ahead and write some notes for fermenting it up on the recipe when I have time. Thanks!
I’m very new to all this (just tasted my first ferment a few minutes ago) but I am going to try a lacto version of your recipe very soon. Locally grown beets and turnips are in season! Thanks for building a great resource here!
Thanks a lot! Yes, doing it lacto works great too. Enjoy!