Other Recipes

Ferments off the beaten path, non-fermented recipes, syrups, and more

Miso, Proteins

Miso-Cured Eggs


 To miso-cure your eggs, you will simply wrap them in miso (many great options here), essentially making a miso ball with an egg inside. After a day to several days, you remove the miso and, voila!, you have a salty egg bursting with flavor. I wouldn’t say it simply takes […]


Sauerkraut or Kimchi Latkes (potato pancakes)


 For the last several years, I’ve been getting pretty experimental with my latkes (potato pancakes) at Hanukkah time. Eating oily and fried foods is part of the Hanukkah tradition and relates to the holiday’s miracle of the oil that burned for eight days. Latkes are normally just potatoes, matzah meal […]

Condiments, Other Recipes

Lacto-fermented (or regular) Hummus


 Let’s talk beans. They’re super nutritious, filling (largely due to their balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), grow robustly in a variety of climates and areas, and are thus also usually quite affordable. For these reasons, they have been staple foods for the “masses” since ancient times. The chickpea is […]

Simple Syrups

Pomegranate Syrup (Grenadine)


 It doesn’t get much easier than this classic bar syrup. Mix equal parts pomegranate juice and sugar, bring to a boil, stir until the sugar is dissolved, then simmer down at a medium-low temp, uncovered, until it’s a syrup… about 30 minutes. That’s it! While still warm or hot, transfer […]

Condiments, Other Recipes

Fermented Baba Ganoush


 Right now it is high season for eggplants in my garden. I mostly grill them to be on the healthy side, but I prefer the flavors and texture of tempura or panko-crusted fried eggplants, especially with a dip of ranch dressing mixed with my fermented sriracha sauce. Probably my favorite […]

Pho Reuben

Pho Reuben Sandwich


 Writing this post feels pretty cathartic for me. Although loading up a Reuben sandwich and frying it on a pan is pretty darn straightforward, this post is the culmination of many different pho-spiced Reuben components I developed over a month. If you want to see how I personally prepare & […]