Mayonnaise gets a bad rap. And although I’ll probably never feel totally comfortable calling it a health food, besides doing wonders for a lot of dishes, it really can be something not to stress over when eaten in moderation. That is, when it’s been prepared in a healthy way.
Typical, commercial mayonnaise contains soybean oil or other cheap oils, sugar, disodium EDTA and often other garbage we’re not supposed to eat.
Mayonnaise can easily be made paleo by simply using the right ingredients. The time investment to make your own is only about ten minutes too. The trick is just to use a healthy oil that you like the flavor of. Many people find extra-virgin olive oil to be too strong and bitter for mayo. You could opt for regular or light olive oil, or avocado oil is a great choice.
The only downside I can see with homemade is the shelf life. It should be finished off within a couple weeks. On the other hand, you could add a natural healthy preservative like citric acid and add up to another week to that.
One other reason I wanted this recipe up on my site was because it’s a component in my healthy Russian Dressing. This Russian dressing was for my Pho Reuben, and consists of this mayo mixed with my Phomato Sauce ketchup and fermented horseradish, among other things. I’m also working on a Thousand Island version with my pho pickles. And of course, you can make these recipes with any brand of mayo and ketchup you like, but if you’re here, I’m guessing the healthy and/or homemade aspect is appealing to you.
So let’s get going!
This recipe makes about 14 oz. of mayo, which I typically store in a 16 oz. mason jar. (I love having this size around for so many things. The 16 oz. jars are also great when you eat half of what’s in your quart jars and transfer them over. This limits the air headspace, which is beneficial for extending the shelf life fermented foods.)
You will need:
- Blender, food processor, hand mixer or immersion blender
- Measuring cups & spoons
- Citrus press (suggested)
- Storage jar or container
- 1 large egg (room temperature)
- 1 cup + 1/4 cup (separate) avocado oil or light olive oil (not to be confused with extra-virgin)
- 1/2 tsp ground mustard seed
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 TBSP freshly squeezed lemon juice (room temperature)

1.) Combine egg, 1/4 cup oil, mustard seed, and salt. (If using a blender or processor, combine in that, otherwise use a container which a hand mixer can reach the bottom of.) Thoroughly blend, around 30 seconds.

2.) With the blender/processor or mixer running continuously, slowly add the remaining one cup of oil. It should be poured extremely slowly in order to emulsify the oil, turning it creamy and light. The total pour time will be around 3 minutes, blending on medium. Then, turn the blender/mixer off.

3.) Add the lemon juice. Blend just until evenly mixed, around 10 seconds.
4.) Transfer to jar or other upright storage container to limit air exposure.

Notes: You can play with the recipe. For instance, substitute one TBSP lemon juice with white wine vinegar, or add 1/2 tsp prepared dijon mustard instead of the mustard seed.